Keeping drives status after loosing power

  • Hi,

    I have an USB 3.2 3.5" SATA Hard Drive Tray-less Docking Station (model number DS-SC5B).

    When there's a blackout and the docking station losses power, after restoring the electric supply, all the drives will stay off, no matter how they were before the outage.

    If you have the unit pluged into a remote PC and the blackout lasted longer than the UPS battery, you'd loose access to the drives until you physically go to the remote location and press each drive power button to turn them on again.

    Is there a way to make the docking unit restore each drive power status as thery were before lossing power?

    If not, could Sabrent implement this into a firmware update, please?


    Best regards.


  • @Fox MacLure I will look into this, but I believe it is by design to prevent hardware damage. I'm not sure if there is a workaround to enable a way to remotely repower.

  • Maybe it could be implemented as an optional setting, with an alternative firmware, a tweking tool, or something like that, so every user could choose whatever behaviour they prefer: to keep all drives turned off, or to recover their last state.

    Thank you for your quick response anyway.

  • @Sabrent This needs to be given more serious consideration! Not every hardware implementation fits the ideal scenario of a person with a laptoop with the SSD appliance sitting right next to them where they can just push the power button. Often people buy these storage solutions for more advanced configurations which the power button design operationally just doesn't fit (such as remote location, or integrated in a difficult to access place). We are just asking for your product to fit real world scenarios - so some options regarding maintenance of power state are essential. I am now in the position of having to return my drive dock back to the supplier because it just doesn't work for my particular implementation (where I have to power down the supply at the end of each day). I work in IT server infrastructure, and manufacturers have always provided power options in low level hardware (usually IPMI manages this in Dell, HPe, Lenovo, Supermicro etc servers), for how a server should behave after power is resumed (after an outage for example). I apprciate your products are very basic in comparison, but having the option to apply a firmware which will maintain the power state after power disconnection would make your products more attractive as it would then be suited to a wider range of deployment scenarios. I emplore you to make this happen. 6 mo since your response to this post and nothing!

  • @Paul Atherton We take feedback seriously and have made a concerted effort to record issues that come up the most when looking at units to revise or update. One common request is for auto power-on which we usually don't do because we've found it can cause issues in cases where power is regularly interrupted. Our multi-bay units are designed to be run on battery/UPS, if possible, as should be the case for storage and especially mission-critical storage. We do realize that UEFI and more expensive or enterprise-grade gear has options for auto power-on and are looking to incorporate that in the future where possible. This includes asking for firmware changes from the factory, although that is not always possible given the hardware configuration in use.

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