External SSD Enclosure cannot handle other SSDs

  • Here's my situation. I have an SABRENT USB 3.2 10Gbps Type C Tool Free Enclosure, and I have a 2TB SSD that I have been using inside the enclosure without any issues so far. I'm using Windows 11 with the latest updates and the drive enclosure is connected to the PC via USB C. 


    I need to clone an internal SSD into a new 2TB SSD so I was planning on using the external enclosure to do the cloning, however when I swap the current working SSD in that enclosure with the new brand new one, my PC will never detect the drive. The only thing that happens is the Disk is listed in Windows Disk Management as a 2TB disk but I cannot format/shrink/delete partitions.


    I tested this with another 1TB drive and the exact same thing happens as before, unable to format the disk and moreover the drive is still being recognized as a 2TB drive even with the 1TB inside.


    When I plug the SSD I have been using back into the enclosure, everything is detected as normal and I have no issues at all. It is almost as if the SSD is now perma-tied to the enclosure.


    I tested this in two different computers and the behavior follows the enclosure. Any ideas how to fix it? I have updated the enclosure to the lastest FW 

  • One thing that can happen on Windows is that the Storage Spaces utility can 'capture' drives for use in a pool and you have to remove it from that before normal operations can be done. This could report the wrong space if it's bundling anything else in the pool. Check to see if this is the issue, as it is something that happens with external drives/enclosures sometimes.

    It's also true that some bridge chips for enclosures/adapters can read sector sizes differently, but this isn't the case with our newer products including that one. Trying to port a current drive into the enclosure for cloning could also have issues depending on system and UEFI configuration, if possible you could boot to a non-Windows environment to see if the drive is 'seen' correctly. This could be bootable Linux, bootable cloning software, etc.

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