Advice on long read/write operations throttling temperature ? (At 60º celsius / 70º celsius / 75º celsius ?)

  • Dear Sabrent,


    I am asking for your advice, regarding disk temperatures for long periods.


    I have a new laptop (Cevo NS70AU) with 2 disks M.2 SB-RKT4P-8TB.*3

    I am doing a personal research project, where several file operations and database queries are performed on those disks, for períods that last several days (non-stop).

    As I've paid from my own pocket for the system, from the point of view of having the maxium lifetime of those disks,

    Q: What is the temperature (reported by the disks) at which I should throttle operations to not let it exceed, for such long periods ?

    Examples of suggestions/options:

    1 - Is it preferrable to throttle the IO*1 so that both disks run no hotter than 62º celsius for these long periods ?

    2 - Or should I let the system run as fast (and as hot as it gets), and I should trust the thermal throttling*2  ?

    3 - Should I buy a laptop cooling base ? (And if so, should I still throttle IO/CPU if I see the disks getting above 70º celsius ? 60º celsius ? )

    4 - Other suggestions ...

    Thank you,


    *1 -  Being a laptop, there is no additional space to mount dissipators on the disks. The laptop appears not to have any special visible cooling for the disks. The disks are visible on a plastic grid on the lower side of the laptop, so a cooling base for laptops could be an option.

    *2 - I have also notice that, sometimes, not just one of the disks being most used gets really hot. The other disk (not so much used) also reports being very hot. I have not let the queries running for much longer (for now), as I have canceled them, once any of the disks started reporting temperatures above 67º celsius for a while.

    *3 - Running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. The 2 disks are separat ext4 filesystems. There are also PostgreSQL databases hosted on them (WAL files on one of the disks only). Sometimes there are also additional virtualmachines running on the laptop (while the queries run). So, the whole system gets pretty hot, unless I change the power management profile from "Performance" to "Power Saver".



  • @João Luís If you are able to pull the SMART information, with smartmontools, it will list the throttling temperatures. Usually these are in the 80C+ range. 75C or lower peak is probably ideal. Some laptops might have some space for low profile coolers which can get down to 2mm in thickness, otherwise a thin headspreader can assist in some cases. Even using thermal padding from drive to case can assist.

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